Our Digital Transformation Empowers Our Team And Partners
The Tismor Health and Wellness Creative centre, located in Silverwater, Sydney NSW, is a state of the art facility that houses the Tismor New Product Development team also known as “NPD” for short.
The Creative Centre is an ergonomically friendly work space where innovation and creativity are fused with systematic collaboration. To further enhance the collaboration between Tismor and our partners, the Creative Centre has been designed from the outset to be COVID safe and adaptable to any fast changing global situation.
With two built in virtual based conferencing rooms and mobile lab conferencing technology, we ensure that our clients can keep up to date with their products latest developments in a virtual setting, should real time issues such as travel restrictions and lockdowns make face to face meetings impractical.
Our Creative Centre and New Product Development team are equipped to develop a product from concept through to a market ready brand. Our digital transformation further empowers our team and our partners to Deliver In Full On Time In Quality (DIFOTQ) regardless of external circumstances.